What sets our milk apart

Jersey Juice Farms

Nutritious Feed

At our dairy farm, our Jerseys enjoy a well-rounded, nutrient-rich diet that is essential for their health and well-being. This carefully balanced diet enhances the natural benefits of milk, allowing us to provide you with not only the exceptional flavor of real milk but also a product that is non-GMO, soy-free, and gluten-free. We believe that the necessary nutrients in a cow's diet are crucial and should not be overlooked in favor of trends such as "grass-fed only." Neglecting these vital nutrients can lead to health issues, decreased lifespan, and reduced overall happiness for the cows, which ultimately affects the quality of the milk they produce. Our approach prioritizes the cows' nutrition, ensuring that each drop of our milk is rich in flavor and benefits.

Our Calves

Calves are born and remain with their mothers to foster bonding and reduce stress for both the cows and their calves. This natural upbringing includes nursing directly from their mothers, with no supplements or artificial milk provided. The first milk produced by the mother after calving, known as colostrum, is essential for the calf's health. Colostrum is packed with vital antibodies that help protect against diseases, and it is crucial for the calf to consume this milk within the first 24 hours of life to ensure a strong start.


We prioritize a natural approach to the health of our cows and do not use growth hormones. Our Jerseys undergo testing for diseases such as tuberculosis (TB) and Brucellosis (commonly known as Bangs Disease) to ensure their well-being. Following this, they receive essential vaccinations annually and are dewormed biannually to maintain their health and productivity.